Meeting Minutes: November 18, 2013


Meeting Minutes: November 18, 2013


The regular meeting of the MOST PURE HEART OF MARY ALUMNI was called to order at 6:10pm on November 18, 2013 at St. Francis Xavier by Wanda Lewis.


Meryl Foster, Constance Irby,Lorenzo McKee, Wanda Lewis, Betty Hall, Cecilia Snider, Leonard Stiell, Lemoyne Cade, LaShaunda Foster, Eugene Lewis, Belinda Lott, Lamar Lott, Yvonne King, Nelson Summerlin, Collette Juzang and Mary Collette

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Financial Secretary report: collected $4.50 last meeting. Treasurer’s report Deposit: $12.50 and $119.64. Balance $2282.65 Mary Collette made a donation to the alumni to help save Heart of Mary School.

Bingo @ Heart of Mary: The alumni will sell food every 4th Friday of the month. Per Eugene Lewis, in order to make a profit, the alumni need to donate the food and drinks.

Website: still not complete.

New Business

School fundraiser: Connie will talk to Fr. Ugwu and Mrs. Crane regarding a fundraiser. Shaun Foster suggested a mattress sale around income tax time.

Nominees for new officers: President, Lorenzo McKee, Vice-President, LaShaunda Foster, Recording Secretary, Belinda Lott, Financial Secretary, Betty Hall, Treasurer, Wanda Lewis, Need nominees for , Corresponding Secretary and Chaplain

Agenda for Next Meeting

Vote on new officers.


Meeting was adjourned with a prayer by Wanda Lewis. The next general meeting will be at 6pm on December 16, 2013, at Heart of Mary Development office. Bring snacks.

Minutes submitted by:     Belinda F. Lott