Meetings Minutes: June 16, 2014




The regular meeting of the MOST PURE HEART OF MARY ALUMNI was called to order at 6:05pm on June 16, 2014 at Heart of Mary development office with a prayer.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.

Treasurer’s Report

Balance: $5337.98  Eugene Lewis-$13, Meryl Foster-$42.06 for fish, Jubilee Foods-$447.22 (4 cases chicken, 6 cases fish) Lorenzo-$20 concession supplies. Dep./ $1924.20 ( check $1024.00, cash $580.00, check $320.20)

President’s remarks: Lorenzo met with Mrs. Crain and the alumni is on a budget for $150,000 for the upcoming school term. There will be no funding from the Josephites, or the archdiocese. Existing teachers will be subbing or back fielding. No substitute teachers. If the school closes, the burden will be on the alumni. Increasing enrollment will decrease the deficit. Mr. President suggested a pledge drive in the near future. There will be a table set-up at the Meet & Greet Aug.1st for pledges. Corporate sponsorship and the upcoming reunion should be pushed.  Lemoyne Cade suggested looking into other fundraisers such as crab boils and annual fundraisers. Mr. President stated the positives @ the school: the grounds resurfaced, new playground, community garden, smart boards, Ipads for 7th & 8th graders, students tested high on ITBS, the school website links to the alumni website and 8th graders receive full academic scholarships to McGill.

Open Issues

Old Business

 Website: All info is updated on the website. PayPal is not set-up as of yet. Mr. DuCloux has agreed to help with the website.


 The monies made @ bingo go into the bingo fund per Fr. Ugwu and helps with the school subsidy. Bingo has generated $31,000.00 as of today.


There will be a meeting immediately following the alumni meeting to discuss the reunion. Hall of Fame nominees needed and dedicated people, per Cecilia Snider.

Monthly Luncheon

 Always the Friday following the monthly alumni meeting.  Please see calendar and the Alumni Facebook Page for dates, times and locations.


 no new members.

New Business   

Per Fr. Ugwu, there is no record of the alumni’s support for the school. The alumni are vital to the school. Per Shaun Foster, Mae Eanes, Denton, Scarborough and Mobile County Training School are failing schools. The suggestion is to target the students at these failing schools with professionally made brochures placed at the community rec-center in those areas. Fr. Ugwu-no marketing materials done so far. Word of mouth advertisement is best. Meryl Foster- when Phil Fost was the football coach @ H.O.M., the enrollment shot up. Sports should be highlighted. Barbara Curtis volunteered to work on a pamphlet.

 Cecilia Snider won the 50/50.


The Meeting was adjourned @ 7:45pm and the next general meeting is on July 21, 2014, minutes submitted by:           Belinda F. Lott