The regular meeting of the MOST PURE HEART OF MARY ALUMNI was called to order on June 15, 2015 @ 6:15pm with a prayer by Lamar Lott.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.
Financial Secretary report: Foundation acct: $770.00. Regular acct: $3,711.20. Deposit of $312.00 on Sept. 8th 2015. Treasurer’s report approved and accepted.
The P.O. Box has expired. ($92.00/year)
President’s Remarks: Mr. President thanked everyone for participating and stepping up with the pancake breakfast.
Vice-Presidents: Remarks: Stated that a $250.00 deposit was given to the YMCA. It has a 250 person capacity. He would like suggestions for a theme for the cabaret.
Old Business: Cecilia Snider contacted Mr. Patterson regarding the newsletter and all errors have been corrected. She suggested disbursing the newsletter by e-mail to cut down on the cost of stamps. Theresa’s daughter has offered the use of her copier. The website will be updated and the newsletter will be added (cost $60.00/year). Mr. Patterson also needs info for the next newsletter due to be released in January 2016. Mrs. Snider also looked into the bulk mail but the alumnus does not have a non-profit permit. The cost of stamps is $49.00 per 100 stamps. Lamar Lott will contact Karlos Finley regarding info for a 5013c. Mr. President suggested making the website interactive and put a (CONTACT US) icon and have it diverted to his personal e-mail.
FR. UGWU’S comments: Fr. Ugwu thanked the alumni for the donation to the school for the new roof. It was sent in the official letter to the archdiocese. He likes the idea of the alumni obtaining a 5013c. It will give us new wings to expand and reach out further, and also autonomy and freedom. Fr. Also suggested mailing a hardcopy of the newsletter to the foundation supporters.
CABARET: Tickets: $15.00, Balanced owed to the YWCA is $750.00. Security included in the cost. Total expenses=$1200.00 Profit possibility is $2800.00. DJ needed. Per Wanda Lewis, Lowdown charges $250.00. Lamar: Coke, Sprite, Cranberry Juice and Pineapple juice needed for set-ups. Price: $1.00/drinks, $2.00/ Ice buckets. Wanda questioned the decorations. Martha suggested looking at the expense category. Theme: TURKEY DAY CLASSIC CABARET. Cecilia suggested Carl Hill for the DJ. Mrs. Martin: Tickets need to go out ASAP.
Fr. Ugwu stated he was purposely pushing the alumni away from the parish to reach out to other parishes. He hopes that whatever we do reaches beyond the parish.
PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Mr. President had tickets printed at no cost. Cecilia sent out six letters to other parishes and has agreed to chair this event. Per Betty, the breakfast grossed $169.00. Profit $120.00. Supplies needed: Five dozen eggs, 2 gallons orange juice, 1 gallon orange juice, pancake mix, Conecuh sausage, small bottles of water, coffee, creamer, sugar substitute, paper products, forks knives, syrup, jam, cheese. Eight tickets per person.
REUNION: Picnic and cabaret is locked down. The Heart of Mary cafeteria is needed for the brunch and get acquainted. Fr. Ugwu Ok’d it but only one air conditioner is working (the right side). A compressor is needed.
New Business: Brenda Norwood inquired about getting new members. Cecilia suggested going out and begging, she also has the list of new graduates for 2015. Mr. President would like everyone to consider nominations for new officers at the meeting in Oct. 2015.
Open Issues:
50/50: Myrtle Martin
Monthly Luncheon: No monthly luncheon.
Attendees: Meryl Foster, Betty Hall, Cecilia Snider, Lamar Lott, Father Ugwu, Wanda Lewis, Belinda Lott, Martha McKay Powe, Myrtle Martin, Lorenzo McKee, Brenda Owens-Norwood, Lemoyne Cade.
Minutes submitted by: Belinda F. Lott